Get to Know Craig

I have called Alaska home since 1977, where my wife and I raised our two wonderful children. Throughout the years, I have witnessed the good, the bad, and the challenges our state has faced.

When I first ran for the House in 2006, our state was flush with money and had a vibrant economy. I ran to ensure that my kids and grandkids could experience a prosperous Alaska by holding politicians in Juneau accountable for their spending. As a lifelong businessman, I approach governing with the same principles and efficiency I apply in business. I am proud of my work in being tough on crime, protecting the PFD, paying down historic amounts of debt, defending property and 2nd Amendment rights, investing in Alaska, and fighting federal overreach.

Two years ago, I decided to run to represent South Anchorage again because, like you, I am deeply concerned about the future of our state. Recognizing the need for proven leadership in Juneau, I felt a duty to return. Serving as the Chairman of Rules, I am proud of our achievements: implementing victim-centric crime reform, adopting a fix for school correspondence shut down by the Alaska Supreme Court, and stopping a costly pension bill that would have burdened us with billions in expenses over the next ten years.

My priorities as your Representative has and always will be putting Alaskans first to ensure there are opportunities for future generations. This means we must have:

  1. Safe neighborhoods - we must be tough on crime and support our police, prosecutors, and correctional officers

  2. Thriving, diverse economy - we must cut red tape, have a responsible budget, create an environment to spur on our small businesses and innovation

  3. Student centered, quality education - one size doesn’t fit all; we must have all education options available for parents to choose the route that best suits the needs of their children.

I am a proven leader with a steadfast commitment to conservative values, dedicated to always putting Alaskans first and I would be honored to have your vote.